Is America Beyond Redemption? The Erosion of Morality and the Fight for Our Nation's Soul
Since the first day of the demonic success of Satan, when the serpent convinced gullible Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from The Tree of Knowledge and that it would allow her and Adam to “be like God, knowing good and evil”, humanity has been dancing with the devil.
Thanks to Christianity there are no more dramatic, nor better understood, opposites on earth than good and evil. One provides all of the things necessary to attain salvation, while the other condemns humanity to Hell. There can be no clearer definition of good and evil than that which is espoused by Christianity. And yet, millions of supposedly ”educated” people continue to ignore the obvious and wreak havoc on themselves and their communities.
Whether you are a student of history or simply an observer of people who are living today, it’s very clear that people continue to turn a deaf ear to the truth regarding the importance, and origins, of good behavior. These blatantly arrogant, prideful and sinful people lie, cheat and steal with abandon and their actions not only negatively affect their own lives, but more importantly, their behavior negatively affects the rest of our lives as well.
These miscreants ooze bad behavior and this literally undermines our faith in humanity. It can virtually and vicariously discourage the efforts of good people, who may be on the fringe of goodness, from doing what’s right. Evil has a snowball effect on humanity which cannot be denied. One unrepaired broken window can turn a neighborhood into a slum. These evil scoundrels can have the same effect on their communities. Their bad behavior, left unchecked, creates a preponderance of shrugging people who begin to justify their own bad behavior with the, “everybody does it,” mentality.
The personal devastation these evil people continue to inflict on themselves indicates the plain old truth that they are stupid. But unfortunately, their personal death spiral affects everyone within their sphere of influence. The merchant from whom they steal, the husband who discovers he has an unfaithful wife, the child who is sexually abused by a “good” neighbor. Their evil behavior becomes pernicious, rotting the lives of everyone they know.
After creating our new and unprecedented form of self-government, Founding Father John Adams, wrote to the Massachusetts Militia on October 11, 1798, “Because We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality or Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Gallantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
This is why America can no longer take the high ground. We have lost our moral fortitude. We, as citizens of America, have become totally inadequate for our form of government. We are no longer moral or ethical and without a reversal, the country itself will become a black hole.
Starting in the 1960s, and for the first time in our history, we trashed our country’s Christian faith by banning school prayer. We then sent millions of young, and unprecedentedly unchaperoned, women away to men’s universities. This began the unfettered debauchery of our young Baby Boomers. Their behavior was no longer insulated, protected or guided by families, churches or hometown communities.
Once this degradation began, abortion was legalized to offset the passions that were unleashed and unsupervised while away at school. Once morality was vanquished, there was no stopping the bad behavior it generated. How could a Baby Boomer tell their children to avoid drugs, recreational sex and other bad behavior when they themselves had indulged in all of them? The kids just laughed, and another generation was lost to more perverse behavior.
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We are living with the dissolution of our country’s moral fiber. Today, 60 years after we kicked religion to the curb, and with most of the adults who were raised with Christianity as their inspiration have passed away, you are hard-pressed to find unsupervised people who can be trusted to do the right thing.
Soon after the Pennsylvania assassination attempt on President Trump’s life, he astutely said that God spared his life for a reason.
“We’re going to bring back religion into our country”
Chris’ new coin, Christ Defeats Satan, illustrates Trump’s understanding of the importance of having a moral and ethical citizenry. Satan can only be defeated by Christ and this path is literally our only hope for a better future.
Donald Trump is known for keeping his promises. Bringing back Christianity to the fore of public life in America is one of the most crucial promises he’s made to Americans. He cannot afford to overlook this commitment because we as a country are literally at the end of our collective rope.